Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Discovery - Nursery Rhymes and Presentations

Friday's discovery focused on the key competency 'Relating to Others'.  The children brainstomed what they thought they would see in a group if this key competency was being demonstrated.

Their ideas...

conversations, waiting for my turn, sharing, listening, one person speaking at a time, working together, staying in the group, helping each other...

The task...

In groups the children learnt a nursery rhyme off by heart.  They decided if they were going to make masks, what masks they would make, what materials they would use to create them, how they were going to wear them, whether they would use crayon, paint etc to decorate them.  Together they practised their nursery rhyme to make sure it had high interest and impact for their audience.  Some chose to include actions.

At the end of the session, we reflected on whether or not we liked working in a group.  Lots of children enjoyed helping others, or receiving help.  They enjoyed sharing with their friends and taking turns.  Some of the children experienced it differently and didn't enjoy working in their group because they were bossed around, or didn't get a turn at something.

1 comment:

  1. Love the Nursery Rhymes, great effort, well done. From Leith & Jo.


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