Thursday 11 July 2013

The Best Zealand in the Universe

Production Reflections

After our first night on stage, the children drew and painted a picture to capture their favourite scene or moments in the production.   They recorded their thoughts on to Photostory.  We learnt from this experience that we needed to speak right into the microphone and speak clearly, in order to communicate our message.  This must have been what it was like for our actors on stage.  Some of our messages may be difficult to hear.  We will practise for next time.

Cody is 6

A very happy birthday to Cody who turned 6 on Tuesday.

Monday 8 July 2013

Happy Birthday to you....

It was Lila's birthday on Friday. So in good old Room 3 fashion, she climbed on the table so we could sing her happy birthday. We can't wait to hear about the party at the Rumpus Room.

Thursday 4 July 2013

More published work

10 Puddings!!!

Here is Ellie's story she would like to share with you. I can't wait to hear the update. I wonder if she will be at school tomorrow after eating 10 puddings? Or maybe she will be tucked up in bed with a tummy ache...

 YAY!!! Tonight at 6.00 I am going to Marbles because it is my poppas birthday and he is turning 60 years old. I am going to have about ten puddings and my brother Kyle might have ten puddings just like me. I just absolutely Love Marbles

Disney on Ice

Herbet went on an adventure with Kalissa and her family to Auckland to see Disney on Ice.  Have a look at this animoto made by Kalissa, Ellie, Gabrielle and Fern.  Herbet had a wonderful time.