Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Car does backflip on Snow

Today in Oral Language Mrs Hughes showed us a clip she had seen on the news about a Frenchman who managed to do a back flip in a mini car and land it on snow. When Mrs Hughes saw this clip she immediately thougt of Deno.

We had to think of some powerful questions we could ask the driver if we were ever given the chance. We shared them with a friend and then we shared them with the class.

Take a look at our clever questions.

How did you learn to do a backflip? GS
When did you do the backflip? LC
How did you practice? RR
Did you have to rev it up? DA
What did you use for the car? CR
What did it feel like? FC
How did you practice? DA
How long did you practice? JC
Was it slippery? RP

 I wonder what other questions we could ask?

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Key Competency Awards

Congratulations to our KC Award winners for Week 2.
Fern - Participating and Contributing
Marshall - Relating to Others

Beach Picnic 2013

Frogs, frogs, frogs

Exciting changes have been occurring in the tank in Room 3. Our tadpole has turned into a frog. We are now on the hunt for flies and bugs to feed it.

Meet Room 3